14. Any government, which is blind to this point, may pay a heavy price. 任何政府忽视这一点都将付出巨大的代价。
For instance, the Philippine foreign minister lately said in the US that they will make China pay a heavy price on the Huangyan Island issue. 比如讲,他外长上一阵子在美国说,在黄岩岛问题上面,我们要让中国付出严重代价。
Many, like Ms Lagarde, know that the rest of the world could pay a heavy price for the folly in Washington – and genuinely long for the Americans to pull themselves together. 与拉加德一样,很多人知道,全球其他国家可能会为美国政府的愚蠢行为付出沉重代价,他们真的渴望美国人重新振作起来。
Those urban planners who are blind to this point will pay a heavy price, which they cannot afford it. 那些城市的规划者们如果忽视这一点,将会付出他们无法承受的代价。
But unless they can achieve their full economic potential, families and countries will continue to pay a heavy price. 但如果她们不能充分发挥其经济潜力,家庭和国家就不得不付出高昂的代价。
Krillin cheats to beat Goku in the heated rivalry and wins, but soon has to pay a heavy price for his actions. 小林在和小悟空的激烈对抗中使诈并获得了胜利,但他很快就为自己的行为付出了惨重的代价。
It will pay a heavy price for not acting in 1999 to control oil prices. 1999年的时候它没有采取行动控制石油价格,它要为此付出惨重代价。
Many other developing countries have similar problems and pay a heavy price in terms of their competitiveness in global trade. 其他很多发展中国家也存在类似问题,从而大大有损于其全球贸易竞争力。
The danger for Rio shareholders is that they have to pay a heavy price for control. 力拓股东面临的风险在于,他们将不得不为控股权付出高昂的价格。
Politicians will pay a heavy price if they do not listen to the people. 如果从政者不倾听人民的呼声,就会付出沉重的代价。
Pay a heavy price for the victory 为取得胜利付出很大的代价
Countries that run away from globalisation in the 21st century – as with those that ran away from capitalism in the 20th century – will pay a heavy price for decades to come. 在21世纪逃避全球化的国家,就像那些在20世纪逃避资本主义的国家一样,将在未来几十年付出沉重的代价。
This finding is important for me, which I will pay a heavy price in my future life if I'm blind to it. 如果我对此熟视无睹,我将很可能为我的未来生活付出很高代价。
China's water conservancy facilities, the construction of the long-term debts, so that we are facing today, when drought forced to pay a heavy price. 我国水利设施建设的长期欠账,使我们在今天面临旱灾时不得不付出沉重代价。
One day I must double the thing which brings back me to lose and let injure me artificial this to pay heavy price! 总有一天我要加倍拿回我失去的东西并让伤害我的人为此付出沉重的代价!
Secondly, those who want to do first-aid must assess the lifesaving and defense capabilities of themselves, does not rashly to enter the scene, otherwise it might pay a heavy price; 第二,急救者要对自己的救助能力和防护能力进行评估,不具备救助能力和防护能力者应等待增援,不能贸然进入现场,否则可能付出惨重代价;
After joining the WTO, this kind of fall behind the phenomenon to not only will make our country of real estate financial insurance industry pay a heavy price, but also baffle the healthy development of the real estate industry. 加入WTO后,这种落后现象不仅会使我国的房地产金融保险业付出沉重代价,也会很大的阻碍房地产业的健康发展。
However, the whole economy may eventually pay a heavy price for this positive resource price, because the low price of natural resource can only be obtained at the income loss of the original resource owner/ user. 但是,由于正向资源供给冲击是以资源和要素所有者(或原使用者)的收入损失为代价,由此导致的负向需求冲击对经济发展的消极影响不容忽视。
This is followed by an analysis of why Russia had to pay a heavy price in order to realize its rapid economic growth. 然后分析了俄罗斯为实现快速经济增长而付出的沉重代价;
Utilitarian study is not an inevitable phenomenon but an deviation in human learning history, and we are bound to suffer from the cultural revenge for utilitarian and pay a heavy price for it. 功利性读书不是历史的必然,而是人类读书活动的一种波折,我们必将遭受功利性读书的报复,必将为此付出沉重的代价。
But the retirement age in relation to the vital interests of every laborer, if not adjust this well, we will pay a heavy price. 但退休年龄关系到每位劳动者的切身利益,若调整不好,将会付出沉重的代价。
But every innovation needs to pay a heavy price. Each new technique needs to go through thousands of validations, and each experiment needs to consume a lot of resources. 但是每一项创新都需要付出巨大的代价,因为每一项新技术都需要经过千百次重复的验证,每次实验都需要消耗大量的资源。
When mistake happens to strategic direction, enterprise has to pay heavy price. 当战略方向出现偏差,企业不得不付出沉重代价。
Two options are required for these families pay a heavy price. 两种选择都需要这些家庭付出沉重的代价。
In order to control inflation, the world has to take a long time, pay a heavy price. 为了治理通货膨胀,世界各国不得不花费很长时间,付出巨大的代价。
People have to pay a heavy price for it, so we need to seek meth-ods for these issues continually. 人们为此付出了惨重的代价,所以我们需要不断地寻求解决这些问题的方法。
This kind of phenomenon plays more and more strongly, have already given our country 'economy serious impact and make our government and business enterprise pay heavy price. 这种现象愈演愈烈,已经给我国民族经济带来了严重的冲击,使我国的政府和企业付出了沉重的代价。
As social competition is becoming intenser, work stress problem become more apparent, high work stress made the organization and staff pay a heavy price. 随着社会竞争的愈发激烈,工作压力问题日益突出,过高的工作压力使组织和员工付出了巨大的代价。
The punitive compensation system will made the illegal behavior pay a heavy price for their bad behavior, and it can play a specific deterrence effect. 惩罚性赔偿制度让违法行为人为其恶劣行为付出沉重的代价,能起到特殊的威慑作用。